NGINX Web Server

  • Pull the nginx singularity image “nginx_container.sif” from the singularity cloud library using the following command

    singularity pull --arch amd64  nginx_container.sif library://local_enterobase/default/nginx_local_enterobase:0.1
  • Please run the following commands to create a folder and copy nginx configuration file (nginx_local_enterobase.conf) and certs folder to the created folder.

    mkdir $HOME/home/nginx_folder
    singularity run -B $HOME/nginx_folder:/home/nginx_user   --app prep_nginx nginx_container.sif
  • Then you should alert nginx_local_enterobase.conf to set the domain name or IP address in three different places, by replacing (replaced_by_your_server_uri) string with your actual server uri, e.g.

  • In addition, you should provide a valid ssl certificate which should be saved inside the certs folder inside the user’s home folder

  • In case of your server does not have a valid ssl certificate, you can temporary create a self-signed certificate using the following link.

  • Alternatively, you can use the keys inside certs folder in the user home folder (no modification is needed)

  • This should be temporary, as it is important to get a valid ssl certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority.

  • To test your configuration, you should run this command:

    sudo singularity run -B $HOME/nginx_folder:/home/nginx_user   --writable-tmpfs  --app test_nginx  nginx_container.sif
  • You need to correct any issue which you may get from the previous command, and run the test again.

  • You need to run the server using the following command

    sudo singularity instance start -B  $HOME/nginx_folder:/home/nginx_user   --writable-tmpfs  nginx_container.sif