Gunicorn and Application Image

Required files and folders

In “local_enterobase/Singularity_Images/Gunicorn_App” sub-folder

  • Recipe file for the base image: local_enterobase_reci_base.def

  • Recipe file for the application image : local_enterobase_reci.def

Content of the recipe files

  • This image is built in two stages:

    • The first stage is building the base image which contains the dependency packages

    • The second one is based on the image which is generated from the first stage and adding local EnteroBase application and the container entry points.

  • The reason for using two stages is to reduce the total buld time

    • Building of the first image takes long time and it is not changed often.

    • While building of the second one takes much less time, and we need to re-build this iamge when changing the Local EnteroBase code which happens frequently.

The first image is built using “local_enterobase_reci_base.def” recipe file.

  • The first two lines in the recipe files pull the a singularity image which is based on ubintu 18.04

From: ubuntu:18.04
  • Then, at the post section, it downloads and installs the different dependency packages.

The second image is built using “local_enterobase_reci.def” recipe file

  • The first two lines instruct that the image is built based on a local image, then sets the local image name.

From : local_base_image.sif
  • Then, at the files section, it copies the local enterobase project code to the image.

      $HOME/local_enterobase/ /var/www/
  • Then it creates an entry point to create a password for the local adminstrator

%apprun set_password "@"
  python3 /var/www/local_enterobase/ set_local_password "$@"
  • This entry point takes one argument which is the password

  • Another entry point is created to run Gunicorn as a singularity instance

   cd /var/www/local_enterobase/
   gunicorn -b  "local_entero:create_app('production')" --timeout 300 --name "local_entero" --log-file=$HOME/logs/gunilog.log --bind=unix:$HOME/sock
  • This instructs that Gunicorn runs Local Enterobase, listens to port 8000 and sets time out to be 300 seconds.

Building the images

  • Assuming that the local_enterobase repository is saved in the sub-folder “local_enterobase” from the current working folder, run the following command to build a singularity image named as “local_base_image.sif”, the local_base_image is built using the following command:

sudo singularity build local_base_image.sif local_enterobase/Singularity_Images/Gunicorn_App/local_enterobase_reci_base.def
  • The following command is used to build the second image:

    sudo singularity build local_enterobase.sif local_enterobase/Singularity_Images/Gunicorn_App/local_enterobase_reci.def

Running the container

  • The user needs to set up a system password so they can use the web interface to configure the application, registers local EnteroBase instance with Warwick EnteroBase and tests upload files to Warwick EnteroBase.

    • The local admin should use the following command to set up the password after replacing “mypassword” to their own passwords:

      singularity run --app set_password local_enterobase.sif -p mypassword
    • Please note that the user may get error messages regarding database configuration when running the previous command, but these messages can be ignored at this stage

  • Then the user needs to use the following command to the run the gunicron and the application as a singularity instance which is called “local_enterobase” (the user may choose to use any other name).

singularity instance start local_enterobase.sif local_enterobase
  • To be sure that the local_enterobase instance is running, the local admin can use the following command to list all the running Singularity instances:

singularity instance list
  • The output will include the running instance name “i.e. local_enterobase”, it will look something like this:








  • If the user wants to restart the system, they should stop the instance first, then run it again using the following two commands:

singularity instance  stop local_enterobase
singularity instance start local_enterobase.sif local_enterobase